Welcome to George Washington University, Department of Radiology. We have a vibrant, highly engaged, subspecialized, and diverse Department. Together with our clinical partners, the GWU Medical Faculty Associates, the GWU Hospital, and Children’s National Hospital, we provide high quality, patient-centered care, and excellent clinical educational opportunities for our Radiology residents, fellows, and medical students. The Department has close collegial relationships with many outstanding GWU physicians, investigators, and basic scientists. Our residents and fellows are an integral part of the care team, and are closely mentored as their interpretive and procedural skills grow. Perhaps as important, is their chance to grow academically, and understand the responsibilities of being a physician and radiologist; we serve the greater good of the community, advancing our specialty, and advocating for social justice and unhindered access to high quality healthcare. Science and policy intersect in the nation’s capital, and I hope our website conveys the interests of our nationally renowned faculty, and the pride we feel for the aspirations and accomplishments of our trainees. Thank you for your interest in the George Washington University.
Robert K. Zeman MD, FSAR, FACR
Our mission is to achieve excellence in all aspects of our tripartite mission; high-quality patient care, meaningful clinical research, and an outstanding experience for our resident, fellow, and student trainees. Radiology touches almost every aspect of the GWU healthcare enterprise; educating future generations of skilled physicians and supporting the mission of the School of Medicine and Health Sciences is gratifying and central to our core values.
- To recruit and retain diverse, collegial, subspecialized, and innovative academic radiologists to provide the highest quality diagnostic imaging and interventional procedures to serve the needs of our patients and our trainees.
- To recruit and retain diverse, collegial, talented, and engaged trainees (residents, fellows, and students) who are committed to clinical excellence, scholarly innovation, and giving back to the community.
- To create a positive culture of learners and teachers, who learn from each other, and are open to all opinions and perspectives.
- To contribute to, expand, and disseminate the current body of knowledge in the fields of diagnostic radiology, interventional radiology, nuclear medicine, and radiation oncology.
- To work collaboratively and continuously with our clinical partners to optimize technology, access, and support of the GWU Centers of Clinical Excellence.
Volume and Equipment
We perform approximately 250,000 exams annually on the main campus/GWU Hospital. The Department is cross-sectionally oriented, and this includes 52,000+ CT exams, 25,000+ US exams, and 14,000+ MRI exams. GWU Hospital is a busy level I Trauma Center, a Comprehensive Stroke Center, Level 4 Epilepsy Center, and renal transplant center. We also have a Level IIIB NICU associated staffed by physicians from our partner Children's National Hospital.
The Department’s equipment is actively being upgraded. Currently the Department operates 6 MRI units (GE and Siemens, including a 3T scanner), 5 CT units (GE and Siemens, including a dual-energy CT scanner), a PET/CT unit, and a large number of ultrasound units (almost all Philips).